
Rob Jacklin, “Parenting in a Digital Age”, October 15 at 9:30am

Rob Jacklin, “Parenting in a Digital Age”, October 15 at 9:30am
Rob Jacklin returns for a “2.0” presentation based on his successful “1.0” presentation last year. Raising children in the digital age is challenging. With new technologies, websites, and apps appearing everyday, parents feel overwhelmed. In this talk we will look specifically at why children so easily gravitate toward digital tools, what are the benefits that should be embraced by families, what are the true dangers families need to be on the lookout for, and what resources exist for parents to help their families use media in a God pleasing way. Join us for an informative discussion.






All Saints Celebration 

All Saints Celebration    
The Worship Arts Center wants pictures of YOUR SAINT for a special All Saints Day
worship service. Your saint might be your Mom or Dad, brother or sister, coach or mentor; your saint is the person who molded you and helped you and shaped you into the person you are today. You can email your picture to Tiara at, or bring your picture to church and leave it in the saint basket in the Gathering Space. We’ll make a copy of your picture and return the original to you. You won’t want to miss having your saint in the display, so don’t delay. We need your pictures by October 22. Thank you.




Bonfire, Friday, October 22 at 7 pm

Bonfire, Friday, October 22 at 7 pm
The “almost annual” bonfire is Friday, October 22 at 7:00pm. Join us in the back parking lot for an informal evening. Bring a lawn chair and food and/or drinks to share. Kids, feel free to wear you Halloween costumes to church. It’s always a fun night!




Touchy Topics Book Club

Touchy Topics Book Club
The Faith Formation Center is starting a new book group called Touchy Topics Book Group. The idea is to read a book (religious or not) about a touchy topic and then come together to talk about it. The first book we’re reading is Small, Great Things by Jodi Picoult. In Small, Great Things, Jodi tackles the profoundly challenging yet essential concerns of our time: prejudice, race, and justice. In its review, The Washington Post wrote: “Frank, uncomfortably introspective and right on the day’s headlines, it will challenge her readers… The difficult self-awareness is what sustains this book...forcing engaged readers to meditate on their own beliefs and actions along with these characters.” Join us after church (lunch provided) on October 22 for about 1-1 ½ hours to talk about the book. You can purchase the book at any retailer or find it in your local library. Questions? See Annie. RSVP via the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space or by email. (Lunch count needed.) Thanks!




Advent Devotion Booklet 

Believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about this year’s Advent Devotion Booklet! We’re looking for writers to submit a devotion no more than 250 words. It can be a story, you can share a tradition, or write about something meaningful to you. We need submissions by     November 1. You can find examples in previous years’ devotion booklets by using the link found in our weekly blog. Questions? See Annie Epling or Terry Baker.





A Note from Annie

Dear Faith Des Peres Friends,

This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. World Communion Sunday began at Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA, in autumn 1933. Think about what was happening then . . The country was in the throes of the Great Depression.

· The cloud of Nazism and Fascism hovered all over Europe and threatened the entire world.

· And anxiety about the economy, the world order, and the future enveloped the people.

As a faith response to those fears, a group of leaders at Shadyside sought to do something both real and symbolic to proclaim that God is God indeed, in spite of politics, economics and future shock.  So they conceived of a day when Christians would gather around the Lord’s Table in a show of unity to counter the pessimism and walls that were dividing them. 

The idea caught on, and in 1940 World Communion Sunday was endorsed by the National Council of Churches. 

Personally, I think it’s one of the better ideas to spring from a Presbyterian Church, or any church, for that matter.  We need the reminder that there’s unity, a oneness given to us in Jesus Christ.  We need the reminder that God’s will for creation is peace and harmony.  And we need the reminder because there’s a great deal of disunity in the world.  While I’m not able to be here to celebrate with you because I’ll be celebrating my parents’ 65th wedding anniversary in Akron, I hope you’ll be here to show your unity with one another and the wider world. Rev. Joy Myers, retired pastor and Acting Stated Clerk, will lead worship and preach.

Thank you all so much for being a part of the Faith Des Peres community and welcoming everyone to the table.





IT Help Needed

IT Help Needed
The church is in the process of switching its internet service to Charter but needs someone with IT skills to help us get better wifi coverage to all parts of the building. If you are knowledgeable about wifi or know someone who is, please contact Tiara in the church office: We need someone who knows something about routers, extenders, and the like. Thank you.



Around the Building and Beyond

At its last meeting, the Session approved a contract to install a new HVAC system for the sanctuary. Half of the work will begin immediately, and the other half will be done in the spring. This will give us working AC in the sanctuary again. Thank you for being patient the past 4-5 weeks as we've tried to address the best way to replace it. Who knew September would be so hot?!

The hard-scape for the new columbarium is finished at the Old Church. We are waiting for the actual columbarium insert to arrive. Once it’s in place, all new landscaping will be planted and the old will be torn out. A dedication ceremony for later this fall is in the works, provided all of the landscaping is completed by then. If you haven't been by the old church to see it, take a look. It looks great.




Circle of Concern

It’s a communion Sunday which means the kids will pull the wagon and collect food for Circle of Concern during the offering time. The idea behind Feeding the Flock is that while we are spiritually fed at Christ’s table, we are called to physically feed others. This is an important outreach ministry of Faith Des Peres, and is one that gets everyone involved. Even if you forget food on Sunday, you can always donate food to Circle of Concern by dropping it off at the church. Thank you.




FDP Choir Concert, Sunday October 1st at 7:00pm      

The FDP choir will be joining other local church choirs for a concert that highlights the works of Mary McDonald. Mary McDonald is a well known composer of sacred music that spans the last 35 years. She has published over 800 choral anthems, cantatas, and keyboard collections. Please come support the choir and enjoy an evening of music directed by Mary McDonald herself!!  The Concert will be held on Sunday, October 1 at Manchester United Methodist Church (129 Woods Mill Road, Manchester, MO 63110) at 7:00 pm.






Buddy Pack Packers         

Looking for a quick and easy way to serve the church and wider community? Join the Mission and Ministry Committee following church next Sunday. To pack backpacks of food for kids to eat on the weekend.




Food Outreach is October 7th, 8 am

Come join members of Faith Des Peres at Food Outreach on Saturday morning, October 7th. There we will pack food into individual meals that will be given to those living with HIV/AIDS and cancer that are living at or below the poverty level. We start at 8am and are done before 11 am. Food Outreach requests that volunteers be at least 11 years old and in 5th grade. Sign up sheet is available in the Gathering Space. Food Outreach is located at 3117 Olive Street. Meet us there.




Coffee with the Pastor

You’re invited to “Coffee with the Pastor” on Sunday, October 8th at 9:30 am in the
Gathering Space. You will have the opportunity to get answers to questions about what it means to be Presbyterian in a friendly and fun environment while also meeting some great people.   If you’ve already attended a “Coffee with the Pastor” and are interested in joining the church, we plan on accepting new members during worship in October. Any Questions?  Ask PastorAnnie.  It would be an honor to be your church family. 




Touchy Topics Book Club

Touchy Topics Book Club
The Faith Formation Center is starting a new book group called Touchy Topics Book Group. The idea is to read a book (religious or not) about a touchy topic and then cometogether to talk about it. The first book we’re reading is Small, Great Things by Jodi Picoult. In Small, Great Things, Jodi tackles the profoundly challenging yet essential con­cerns of our time:   prejudice, race, and justice. In its review, The Washington Post wrote: “Frank, uncomfortably introspective and right on the day’s headlines, it will challenge herreaders… The difficult self-awareness is what sustains this book...forcing engaged readers tomeditate on their own beliefs and actions along with these characters.” Join us after church (lunch provided) on October 22 for about 1-1 ½ hours to talk about the book. You can purchase the book at any retailer or find it in your local library. Questions? See Annie. RSVP via the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space or by email. (Lunch count needed.) Thanks!




A Note from Annie

Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

This Sunday I’ll conclude my sermon series on Moses by reflecting on the story of Moses’ death and God’s refusal to allow Moses into the Promised Land. As you prepare for Sunday, I’d like you to think about who has been influential in passing on your faith to you, and what legacy do you want to leave to others? We’ll talk more about both of these things on Sunday.

After church, you have an opportunity to give an hour to Buddy Packs. It only takes that long to pack 240 packs for 60 kids to get food for the weekend. That’s not very long to give to help a hungry child, so please consider volunteering an hour. Packing takes place in Fellowship Hall.

There are other opportunities for service and learning in this email, and I encourage you to check them out.

See you Sunday,




“Reflections from Miri’s Woods”, by Ron Scott, Faith Des Peres Member

Reflections from Miri’s Woods is a collection of short personal essays, or “snapshots,” of Ron’s experiences and thoughts about life: his work as a parole agent, college teacher, and psychologist.  Written over a dozen years, this book reflects the life and work of Ron, ordinary American living in extraordinary times. The book is available from Amazon in paperback ($8.99) or e-book ($3.99); or in paperback from the author ($8.99).



Disciples Gathering September 24th

Children and youth, join Disciples Gathering as they study Moses in September. Classes for children (grades K-4) and youth (grades 5-8) meet during the worship hour from about        10:40-11:30. Youth meet with Sydney downstairs in the youth room, and children meets      upstairs with Clare in the classroom next to the nursery.

