

St. Louis Women’s chorus comprised of a diverse group of women united in its mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ community. Chris Mabe is a member of the chorus, and they open their 25th season with War & Peace, a concert focused on the music that draws us together as a community of justice. Join Chris and CHARIS December 15 & 16, 2017 at 8 p.m. at the Missouri History Museum. For tickets see Chris.




Buddy Packers

Looking for a quick and easy way to serve the church and wider community? Join the Mission and Ministry Committee following church today to pack Buddy Packs.


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Dear Faith Des Peres Family,
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and there’s a lot going on in worship! First, we’ll dedicate our Christmas Giving Tree gifts! Don’t forget to bring your unwrapped gift with the ornament to church. You can leave it under the Christmas tree. Next, it’s communion Sunday so we are collecting food for Feeding the Flock. Please don’t bring your food for the reverse Advent calendar this Sunday! We’ll collect it later in the month. And last, the church is decked out in all its Christmas apparel and it looks beautiful! Thank you Andy Richter and family for donating the Christmas tree, and Beth Willock and Danny Mortimer for decorating the church. 

I’ll be in Cape Girardeau with Terry and the kids as First Presbyterian Cape says goodbye to Terry and thanks him for his service as Interim Pastor. I hate not being with all of you since I love Advent so much! But, Rev. Miriam Foltz from UKirk is preaching, and I’ve heard great feedback from you about Miriam and her preaching style. I hope you’ll be here to welcome her and celebrate the season. I’ll be back on December 10 when we’ll celebrate the baptism of Andy Schuller-Meyer. There’s so much to celebrate!

Check out everything that’s happening at FDP during December. There’s something for everyone!

You all are a blessing!

Peace, Annie

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Circle of Concern

It’s a communion Sunday which means the kids will pull the wagon and collect food for Circle of Concern during the offering time. The idea behind Feeding the Flock is that while we are spiritually fed at Christ’s table, we are called to physically feed others. This is an important outreach ministry of Faith Des Peres, and is one that gets everyone involved. Even if you forgot food today, you can always donate food to Circle of Concern by dropping it off at the church. Thank you.



Annual Gingerbread House Party — Register by December 4th!                                                 

Come decorate a gingerbread house on Saturday, December 9th from 10am-noon.  This event is geared towards kids but all ages are welcome to decorate a house or to provide help.  Invite friends to join us in Fellowship Hall for a fun morning together.  Please sign up in the Gathering Space by December 4th so we know how many houses to prepare.  The cost is $13 a house.  See Leslie Barnes if you have questions.




Gateway Ringers Concert

Gateway Ringers Concert, December 17  at 4:30pm. The concert is free, though a free-will offering will be taken to help defray costs.  We hope you will come as this premier auditioned handbell group rings in a Medieval Christmas!





                                                                                                                                                                St. Louis Women’s chorus comprised of a diverse group of women united in its mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ community. Chris Mabe is a member of the chorus, and they open their 25th season with War & Peace, a concert focused on the music that draws us together as a community of justice. Join Chris and CHARIS December 15 & 16, 2017 at 8 p.m. at the Missouri History Museum. For tickets see Chris.





Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving! Perhaps today you’re eating leftover turkey and doing a little shopping. I hope you’re finding time to relax! This Sunday in worship we have something special planned with an “Advent 101” service. We’ll learn why we have certain customs, why we observe Advent, and what certain decorations mean. It’s not Advent yet, it begins December 3, but we’re getting ready for it nonetheless! I hope you can be here.


There’s a lot happening at church in December, so take the time to make note of dates. And, if you’re able to come, I’d love to see you Saturday at Tommy’s Eagle Scout ceremony at 2:00 here at the church.


Many Blessings!




Annual Gingerbread House Party — Register by December 4th!

Come decorate a gingerbread house on Saturday, December 9th from 10am-noon.  This event is geared towards kids but all ages are welcome to decorate a house or to provide help.  Invite friends to join us in Fellowship Hall for a fun morning together.  Please sign up in the Gathering Space by December 4th so we know how many houses to prepare.  The cost is $13 a house.  See Leslie Barnes if you have questions.




Hand Bell Choir

We need one or two more people to complete our new bell choir! Won't you consider giving it a try? Right now we're practicing after Sunday worship for about an hour in the sanctuary. We're off to a great start, with a very solid group!"




Instrumentalist Wanted   

We're hoping to start incorporating more musical opportunities into our church services. Jeff's hope is to actually have a small orchestra, but we also would like to have soloists and other small ensembles.  If you play an instrument, and would like to share your gift with the congregation, please talk to Jeff!"




Give the Gift of Music this Christmas 

What do you give the person who has everything? How about this season you give the gift of music! Here at FDP we use the Janet Boyer Music Fund to help hire guest musicians. Your gift would sponsor a guest instrumentalist , brass quartet, or even a choral cantata. Think about your loved ones opening The Gift of Music that will provide beautiful music for everyone to enjoy. You can’t go wrong with the gift of music.




Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas Giving Tree
The Annual Christmas Giving Tree has returned. We’re adopting families from Lydia’s House and Southside Early Childhood Center with Christmas presents and gift cards. You can choose what you want to purchase for them by taking an ornament from the Christmas tree. All gifts need to be returned to the church By December 3rd.




Poinsettia and Wreath Contributions

If you would like to contribute to the poinsettia and wreath fund to decorate the church during the Christmas season, you may do so by signing up in the Gathering Space. The    suggested donation is $10.00. You may honor or dedicate your donation to a loved one. Please note on your check that your payment is for poinsettias. Thank you.





Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

This Sunday in worship the theme is Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for serving as your pastor; you are all wonderful people and do so much for Faith Des Peres. Thank you for all you do, and for supporting me, being patient with me, and encouraging me and working alongside me in ministry. I’m truly blessed to call Faith Des Peres my church home.


Don’t forget that after church we’ll have the Thanksgiving meal and kick-off the Christmas giving tree. It will be fun!


On a personal note, I want to let you know that Terry concludes his service at First Presbyterian Cape Girardeau on December 10. They’ve called a new pastor who starts December 11. Beginning January 1, he’ll serve as the Interim Head of Staff/Pastor at Dardenne Presbyterian Church in St. Charles. Everyone in the Epling house is happy to have him closer to home! And he’s happy to have a couple weeks off during the holidays.


One more personal note – Tommy’s Eagle Scout Ceremony is Saturday, November 25 at 2:00 at the church. We’d love it if you would come!


I hope to see you Sunday!


