By God’s grace, each day is a gift, an opportunity for a new beginning. Through abundant and generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), for many years Presbyterians have faithfully heeded God’s call to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives.
Your gift to OGHS is a gift of hope. Your gift allows Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to
restore communities around the world affected by natural and human-caused disasters. Your generosity helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program work with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally. Your sharing makes it possible for Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people.

The programs supported by OGHS depend on continued and increased support from congregations like ours.  We will collect the OGHS offering on Easter Sunday March 27.

