May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be yours these last days of August.   There is much to tell you! 

This Sunday September 2, we worship at the Old Des Peres Church on North Geyer.  We will not only celebrate the Lord’s Supper but also welcome Ron Robinson, our new Music Director.  At worship end, we go out singing to dedicate the Columbarium.  “Feeding the Flock” will be postponed until September 9th due to logistical issues.   For those unfamiliar with “Feeding the Flock”, it is a wonderful opportunity for our children and youth to learn that Communion feeds bodies and souls by having them gather canned goods for Circle of Concern Food Pantry on Communion Sundays.

September 9th we worship in the Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church (FDP) sanctuary.  You are invited to stay for a “Time and Talent Ice Cream Social” so we might discover your gifts as well as help us fill “Buddy Packs” after ice cream.  What are Buddy Packs?  These are parcels of food for kids in the University School District  we put together and deliver so each child in need might take food home every weekend to make sure they eat.  We do this often, so come sign up and enjoy feeding the hungry with us!

What a wonderful time to visit or to return after summer time away.   As an open and affirming congregation, everyone is welcome here at FDP! 

