Join us for St. Louis World Food Day on Friday, Nov. 1 from 6 – 7 p.m. at the Field House at John Burroughs High School (Clayton and Price Roads)! Faith Des Peres has sponsored two tables at this year’s event and we need 20 volunteers to fill those tables! Friends and family members are welcome to join our group (children ages 7 and up are welcome, with 1 adult for every 2 children age 7 – 9). We will need the FDP group at the Field House at 5:40 p.m. Please sign up in the Gathering Space by Sunday, Oct. 27, and include the names of everyone in your group who will be participating. Please also indicate if you would be interested in going to dinner as a group after we finish our packing session. Please see Roy Lenox for additional details.  


