Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,

 This will be another active Sunday worship for us.  We will recognize and celebrate this year’s kindergarten, eighth and high school graduates and will present Bibles to our fourth graders.  We will also hear our last financial stewardship pledge campaign presentation, which will be from our Administration Center.

 My sermon message this Sunday will be “Seeing God’s Spirit at Work” from the Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18.  This is the story of Peter sharing receiving a vision of God’s inclusivity of Gentiles in The Way with the believers in Jerusalem.

 Looking ahead to Memorial weekend we plan to have our first monthly summer worship at the old Des Peres church during which we will kick-off a new mission opportunity.

 Our Presbyterian Women will share brunch together at Lori Gilley’s house on Wednesday, May 29 at 10:00 a.m.  Please RSVP to Lori for her planning.

 Looking even further ahead, the next “event” of our transition journey will be our “Summit on the Present” reviewing our current mission and ministry, resources, and opportunities after worship Sunday, June 2.  Lunch will be provided, and a sign-up sheet now available in the Gathering Space.  During the summit there will be a brief congregational vitality survey.  If you are unable to attend the summit but would like to participate in the survey, please let the church office know and one will be sent to you.  The summit will last no more than two hours and even if you are unable to stay the entire time, please come and participate as long as you can.

 I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!

 Shalom in Christ Jesus,

 Pastor Marilyn
