

Dear Friends of Faith Des Peres,

This Sunday we’ll celebrate Epiphany which will officially bring the Christmas season to an end. Every year I’m surprised at how long it takes the Wise Men to get to Bethlehem since the stores already have Valentine’s merchandise on display! The Wise Men have something important to teach us about inclusiveness, acceptance, and working with people who are different than us. I hope you’ll be here Sunday to hear this important and timely message.


I want to thank everyone who contributed their time and talents to make the Advent and Christmas season so special. The Worship Arts Center, the choir, the bell choir, the greeters and liturgists, the kids and Clare and Sydney – there are so many people who gave of themselves. Thank you, thank, thank you! It was really a special time. (And let’s not forget about Santa!) There are pictures on the church’s Facebook page that I encourage you to look at if you haven’t yet seen them.


And finally, there are some things happening at the church in January, including a speaker on the 21st talking about transgender individuals. Mark your calendar; it’s sure to be educational.


See you Sunday,




Twigs Food List for our Buddy Packs

Please join us in feeding the hungry. All items on the list will provide a child with a month’s supply of weekend food. Your contributions are needed and very much appreciated. FDP Missions team pack 240 Buddy Packs that are then distributed to 60 kids a week. These packs provides food on the weekends for children in the University City school district.

Twigs Food List

4 pack Fruit Cups (3 sets)

6 pack Ramen Noodles (3)

4 pack Mac’n Cheese cups (3)

6 pack of Raisins (2)

 6 pack of Applesauce Cups (2)

 Box of Instant hot cocoa packets (2)

1 box of Individual Instant oatmeal

 4 pack Vanilla Pudding (2)     

 3 Chef Boyardee Tubs(2)

4 pack Chocolate Pudding (2)   

4 Pack of Jello Cups 1   

1 Pack of Variety Cereal





Gender Beyond the Binary: Understanding What It Means to Be Transgender

Speaker: Kelly Storck,  Sunday, January 21, 9:30 am in the Adult Room                                          What does it mean to be transgender? Simply put, transgender is a term used to describe              people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate.  Gender identity is a person’s internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or someone outside of that gender binary). But there’s nothing simple about gender and sexual identity. It is complex. It is emotional and can be incredibly challenging for us to wrap our minds around.  This particular talk is designed to be place for you to ask your questions.  




Dear Friends of Faith Des Peres,

In two short days, it will be Christmas Eve. This year we get to experience the expectation of Advent in the morning and the joy of the nativity in the evening. The morning service will be fun and festive and get us in the mood for Christmas! I’ll be preaching on Luke 2, the story of Jesus’ birth. Afterwards, Santa is coming! He’ll take as many pictures as he can in an hour, and if there is time he’ll read “The Night Before Christmas” and lead a couple of carols. Christmas cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate will be our fellowship fare. Do come! And invite your friends or grandkids to join you.


The evening service is our traditional candlelight service of lessons and carols. This is probably the most beautiful of all the services we do here at Faith Des Peres. My hope is that everyone who comes leaves experiencing the deep joy that comes from being held by a God who loves us enough to become like us.


Lastly, I want to thank Jeff White, Laura Rakestraw, Clare Dingus, Sydney Curtis, the choir, and all the youth and their parents who produced a wonderful cantata last Sunday. Wasn’t it fun? It really got me in the mood for Christmas! And the new bell choir was great, too. We are truly blessed here at Faith Des Peres.


I hope to see you Sunday.






End of Year Potluck &  Worship, December 31st , 10:30 am

Join us for a special Christmas Brunch and worship service on Sunday, December 31 at 10:30.  This special service will take place in the Gathering Space where we’ll eat and worship and focus on the new year.  It’s for all ages and will some exercises to get us thinking about things we want to leave behind or take on in the new year.  Please sign-up in the Gathering Space and let us know what dish you’ll bring.  Thank you!  (There is no nursery care or Sunday School this day.  Everyone is encouraged to worship together!)




Dear Friends of Faith Des Peres,

This Sunday the choir and children will present the cantata "Share the Good News! He is Born". They've been working behind the scenes for a few weeks to get ready for this Sunday, so I hope you can be here. There are many ways to tell the Good News, and music is one of them. I know it will be a great Sunday! The new handbell choir will also play.

Don't forget, Christmas Eve is on a Sunday so we will have a morning service at 10:30. This will be a fun service and afterward, Santa will be here for pictures. Invite your friends and family, especially children and grandchildren, to join you! Santa will read "The Night Before Christmas" and lead a couple of carols if there is time. In the evening, we'll worship at 5:30 for the traditional service of lessons and carols and candlelight. This is a beautiful service and a wonderful way to begin celebrating Christmas. I hope you can join us.

And finally, this Sunday the Gateway Ringers will have a concert here at 4:00 pm. Gateway Ringers is St. Louis' select group of handbell ringers. You'll want to hear them and "ring in" the season with them. I'm looking forward to it!





End Year Potluck &  Worship, December 31st at 10:30 

Join us for a special Christmas Brunch and worship service on Sunday, December 31st at 10:30.  This special service will take place in the Gathering Space where we’ll eat and worship and focus on the new year.  It’s for all ages and will some exercises to get us thinking about things we want to leave behind or take on in the new year.  Please sign-up in the Gathering Space and let us know what dish you’ll bring.  Thank you!  (There is no nursery care or Sunday School this day.  Everyone is encouraged to worship together!)





St. Louis Women’s chorus comprised of a diverse group of women united in its mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ community. Chris Mabe is a member of the chorus, and they open their 25th season with War & Peace, a concert focused on the music that draws us together as a community of justice. Join Chris and CHARIS December 15 & 16, 2017 at 8 p.m. at the Missouri History Museum. For tickets see Chris.




Give the Gift of Music this Christmas       

What do you give the person who has everything? How about this season you give the gift of music! Here at FDP we use the Janet Boyer Music Fund to help hire guest musicians. Your gift would sponsor a guest instrumentalist , brass quartet, or even a choral cantata. Think about your loved ones opening The Gift of Music that will provide beautiful music for  everyone to enjoy. You can’t go wrong with the gift of music.




A Note from Annie

Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

This Sunday we’ll celebrate the baptism of Andy Ezekiel Schuller-Meyer, son of Clarissa Schuller-Meyer and Jason Meyer. This is our 5th baptism in 6 months! I hope you’ll be here to welcome Andy into the family of faith, and to celebrate with Clarissa, Jason, and Nathan. I’m looking forward to it.


Last week in worship, we dedicated our Christmas Giving Tree gifts. I want to thank Judy Sisson and Sandy Williams who co-chaired this year’s event. Under their leadership, we helped a number of families from Southside Day Nursery and Lydia’s House have a nice Christmas with toys and gifts under the tree! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and purchased gifts. We couldn’t have done it without you.


There are a number of fun events coming up in December that you can read about in this email. If you’re looking to add some holiday music to your festivities, I encourage you to come to the Gateway Ringers concert on December 17. Jeff White, our interim Director of Music, is a member of this group. I’m sure the concert will be fantastic. We also have the annual gingerbread house party this Saturday and the women’s cookie exchange on Wednesday. There really is something for everyone!






Give the Gift of Music this Christmas           

What do you give the person who has everything? How about this season you give the gift of music! Here at FDP we use the Janet Boyer Music Fund to help hire guest musicians. Your gift would sponsor a guest instrumentalist , brass quartet, or even a choral cantata. Think about your loved ones opening The Gift of Music that will provide beautiful music for  everyone to enjoy. You can’t go wrong with the gift of music.

